Look Mum, I'm on Tv


Yesterday, the fine folks at ABC news Australia beamed a beautiful story about me, my journey + my new show across Australia.

It was a very surreal moment after a very heavy + huge year, and left me feeling all kinds of fizzy + sweet. 

They also popped a beautiful feature article up, which you can read in full here.

We're down to our last 50 tickets for next week's evening show and I would love to see your beautiful faces there. 

I wrote this show after meeting a guy that blew my socks off. He was living with one of the biggest influencers in Australia. I was suddenly comparing myself to someone with a million followers + a Chanel contract, and it was so hilariously ridiculous + human that it sparked an idea for this show about what it really means to be seen.

It's taken two years, dozens and dozens of re-writes, script reads, tests, trials, fuck ups, failures, lessons and learning to get to this point.

But by god, what a sparkly, feels-y, tingly point.

This is a brand new show. If you came to the last one, be prepared for something quite different. It's being directed by my friend + collaborator, Pacharo Mzembe. An exceptional human, who's upcoming work includes a blockbuster new series dropping in the states next year and a feature film with Russell Crowe.

This show is happening NEXT WEEK (jesus).

My life the last few weeks has been absolutely intense in every sense of the word. I'm busting my ass round the clock at the moment, hopping in and out of the rehearsal room (thank you Backdock Arts) and deep diving into big emotional spaces, confronting everything from deep wells of pain, grief and loss, to unbridled female rage, sex and intimacy.

Then, in between all of this vulnerability, I've been running around sharing words from the play, giving out blooms, packing press boxes, collaborating with my co-producer and putting the final touches on everything.

All for a very special moment on December 16th. 

There'll be a red carpet, plenty of beautiful blooms care of our friends at Maison Fleur, a very beautiful red rooftop afterparty + lots of fun surprises.

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